About Mark Riso Public Policy

Influential Advocacy for Progressive Change

As a seasoned Capitol Hill lobbyist and public policy advocate, I offer dynamic solutions tailored to drive progressive change in today's evolving political landscape. With a deep-rooted commitment to advancing social and economic justice. My unique approach blends strategic lobbying with grassroots mobilization, empowering individuals and organizations to effect meaningful policy reform.

In addition to traditional advocacy services, I provide comprehensive support for building and sustaining impactful coalitions and alliances. Through strategic coalition management and partnership development, I foster collaboration among diverse stakeholders to address complex societal challenges and drive systemic change. Whether you're advocating for environmental sustainability, racial equity, or healthcare access, I have the expertise and resources to help you mobilize support and enact positive transformation.

Now more than ever, the need for effective advocacy has never been greater. As we confront pressing global issues and navigate uncertain political terrain, it's crucial to have a trusted partner by your side. Contact me today to explore how we can work together to advance your organization's mission, drive progressive change, and create a better future for all.

Contact Mark Riso